Our wholesale discounts are intended primarily for those who are engaged in the lapidary or related type of business. We presently have one type of dealership; please note requirements listed below:
Requires that you operate a full time lapidary business with established hour of trade, do gem and mineral shows or have a full time mail order or online business in this industry. Dealers at this level should either stock products for their customers’ convenience or offer them through their catalog line. Must complete and return application, required business license or permit, business card, copy of catalog, sales brochures or recent advertisements.
Requires a one-time purchase of $10,000 Retail (excluding TR-18, TR-24, TR-36 and SA Model Saws). Minimum purchase of $2,500.00 net per year is required to maintain Stocking Dealer status. If you fail to make the minimum annual purchase your account will be revoked.
If you wish to apply for dealership, please complete the online application. The information provided will determine whether or not your application is accepted. Completion og the application does not guarantee acceptance as a dealer for our products. We reserve the right to refuse dealership to any applicant. If your application is accepted and approved, discount information will be provided. Payment is required with initial order. We do offer terms to dealers with approved credit, please allow 30 to 60 days after your initial order for processing.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We hope to be of service to you in the future.
Diamond Pacific is one of the major manufacturers of lapidary equipment for the rockhound hobbyist, professional gemcutter and jeweler, and for a variety of commercial uses, from deburring metal parts to testing geological specimens and concrete for highways.
Questions or problems relating to the lapidary field?
Give us a call. Calls are answered by our Customer Service Representatives. The only answering machines we have are for weekends when our office is closed. If we can’t help you, we will try to refer you to someone who can.
Mon-Fri 8 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Pacific Standard Time.
Please call during those hours.
Office closed Saturday and Sunday
Fax your order any time of day or night.